Risk and Responsibility

Risk and Responsibility

 Planning Alaska whitewater rafting and seakayaking trips should always include a careful evaluation of your physical ability to participate in wilderness adventure travel activities.

Of all the responsibilities one assumes when participating on a raft trip, honest self-evaluation is the most important. Ultimately, you alone are the best judge of your individual limits. We have a variety of raft trips suited to most ability levels and are happy to discuss trip options over the phone, since a brochure such as this can't cover everything.

In today's legal environment, it is better to speak plainly and be up front about the inherent risks involved with rafting in Alaska. Quite simply, raft trips are risky- sometimes dangerous. Raft trips pose known as well as unplanned and unforeseen risks to our client's safety - Inherent Risks. Inherent risk basically means that no matter how hard we try, accidents can still occur because Mother Nature simply isn't 100% controllable. When accidents occur in remote wilderness areas rescues are complicated, risky and time-consuming. Our staff will give you an extensive safety talk at the start of each raft trip. It is important to listen carefully and follow their instructions.

We do not assume liability for injury, death, property loss/damage or costs due to travel delays. All raft companies require their clients to sign a liability release and risk assumption form and participate at their own risk. Chugach Outdoor Center is no exception in this regard. We will, however, make every effort to provide you with an enjoyable raft trip of the highest quality.

Some customers have special medical conditions which we will address on a case by case basis. Persons with a history of heart trouble, emphysema, asthma, epilepsy or any medical condition should consult with their physician before participating in any adventure travel activity, especially a raft trip. We highly recommend that pregnant women not participate in any raft trip.

Personal Insurance Considerations

All raft companies operate on the premise that their clients maintain adequate medical insurance coverage which will pay for their treatment in the event they are injured during one of their raft trips. Chugach Outdoor Center is no different in this regard. Although we are fully insured, this liability insurance policy does not pay for clients' primary medical coverage nor replace property lost or damaged during the raft trip.

We believe honesty is the best policy regarding the limitations of commercial raft liability insurance. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that our clients purchase a traveler's insurance policy. These policies can be purchased at modest cost and can provide you with: medical insurance in the event you are injured during the raft trip; replace your lost, stolen or damaged property, and provide you with trip insurance for costs due to missed flights, airline penalties, trip cancellations etc.

We will be happy to help you with obtaining traveler's insurance should you require assistance. It is widely available through most travel agents. As stated previously, persons with special medical conditions should contact us by phone or fax so we can discuss trip options in depth. Chugach Outdoor Center believes in making Alaska's rivers as accessible as possible to those with special medical conditions or challenges.

We work closely with several charitable organizations in this regard. By consulting with your physician and then discussing your abilities with us, we can make recommendations on the most suitable river trip for your ability level. If you have questions, call our office toll free at 866-277-7238.

Whitewater Rafting Classification System

Divided into six classes, the whitewater rating system attempts to provide a uniform set of of evaluation criteria for rivers. Bear in mind that changes in river levels can dramatically affect a river's difficulty rating.

Class I: Easy. Fast moving water with riffles and small waves. Few obstructions,all easily missed with little training. Risk to swimmers is slight; self-rescue is easy.

Class II: Novice. Straightforward rapids with wide clear channels which are evident without scouting. Occasional maneuvering may be required, but rocks and medium sized waves are easily missed by trained boaters. Swimmers are seldom injured and group assistance, while helpful, is seldom needed.

Class III: Intermediate. Rapids with moderate, irregular waves which may be difficult and can swamp open canoes. Complex maneuvers in fast current and good boat control in tight passages or around ledges may be required. Large waves and strainers are often present. Strong eddies and powerful current effects are common, especially on large volume rivers. Scouting is advisable for inexperienced parties. Injuries to swimmers are rare; self-rescue is usually easy but group assistance may be necessary to avoid long swims.

Class IV: Advanced. Intense, powerful but predictable rapids requiring precise boat handling in turbulent water. Depending on the character of the river, it may feature large unavoidable waves and holes or constricted passages demanding fast maneuvers under pressure. A fast reliable eddy turn may be needed to initiate maneuvers, scout rapids or rest. Rapids may require "must" moves above dangerous hazards. Scouting is necessary the first time down. Risk of injury to swimmers is moderate to high, and water conditions may make self-rescue difficult. Group assistance for rescue is often essential but requires practiced skills.

Class V: Expert. Extremely long, obstructed or very violent rapids which expose a boater to above average endangerment. Drops may contain large, unavoidable waves and holes or steep, congested chutes with complex and demanding routes. Rapids may continue long distances between pools, demanding a high level of fitness. Eddies, if any exist, are small, turbulent and hard to reach. Often, several of these factors are combined. Scouting is mandatory and often difficult. Swims are dangerous and rescue is difficult even for experts. Proper equipment, extensive experience and practiced rescue skills are essential for survival.

Class VI: Extreme. These runs exemplify the extremes of difficulty. The consequences of errors are usually fatal and rescue is usually impossible. For teams of experts only, at favorable water levels, after close inspection and taking all precautions. This class does not represent drops thought to be unrunnable, but may include rapids which are only occasionally run.

Questions? - call us at 866 277 RAFT

Risks involved with Alaska Whitewater Rafting

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